Oh this is super handy. Say you have an active log file you want to monitor in real-time, simply run this command in Windows Powershell and see your logs update live on the terminal. To demonstrate, in the screenshot above, I simply created a script that logs the current timestamp every two seconds on a… Continue Reading
Updated December 2019 I just figured there’s something wrong with my implementation of the config file, specifically its file location. The path needs to be absolute otherwise the robot package will refer to the config file inside the nupkg file and you would need to re-publish the workflow every time you update the config file.… Continue Reading
The Matches activity is a helpful way to extract parts of a string using regex patterns. If you’re new to capture groups, it’s essentially a regex pattern that allows you to get values in between specified characters. For instance, this pattern “\[(.*?)\]” allows you to get all values in between square brackets. This means that… Continue Reading
Problem: My log file isn’t being created when I’m running the workflow using the robot, even if the path I supplied is already its full path. But then it’s working fine when it’s being run using the Studio. Solution/workaround: Create the log file first before appending to it (using the Create File activity). Normally, UiPath… Continue Reading
Here are a couple of handy DataTable.Select queries that I found useful in managing data tables. I have previously discussed about How to filter multiple dynamic values in a datatable column but this time I’m going to collect my most used ones for future reference. I found this methods extremely helpful in minimizing the amount of… Continue Reading
Here’s an entry on how to use the SyForms Form Designer package on UiPath which is incredibly helpful in getting user input using a Windows form. This answers questions on:✔ How to accept date input from user and✔ How to accept multiple inputs from user using just one form But first, a little info on this package:… Continue Reading